Tuesday 16 July 2013

The 90's kids reunion.

So it's been an exciting reunion for the kids of the 90's. First The Fresh Prince of Bel Air dance reunion on Graham Norton, Monsters Inc 2 (!!!) and the most anticipated fashion return of the year, the jelly shoes.
It seems hard to believe that over 14 years ago these shoes were the height of fashion, coming in a range of styles, colours with the option of glitter or non glitter. So can you blame every teenage girl wanting to get their hands on a pair?

Made in the 1980's they were normally bought for less than a £1, however they didn't particularly sell well so in the 1990's they relaunched their campaign and products. However, 10 years later they're back and better than ever.

The styles have changed and been adopted to the latest trends (90's grunge - how fitting) but also a whole new price tag has been added for a whopping £25!

Here are some of my favourites from the Topshop collection:

Being a total stinge and refusing to subdeud to Topshop prices I shopped around a bit, even looking in Primark kids section (the joys of size 2 feet) and eventually found a pair in New Look. For an absolute steal at £8.99 (10% student discount - Original price £9.99) you honestly can't go wrong as they're perfect for this gorgeous weather!


  1. i've been dying to get my hands on a pair of jelly shoes. love the ones you got.


    1. Thank you, I definitely think they're around for the long haul. I especially hope they get a little bit crazier and grungier. Would love an Jelly Shoe ankle boot!

      - Georgette x
