Friday 4 January 2013

Company Magazines guide to blogging.

It's a Friday night (21:27pm) and I've decided I'm going to give this blogging thing a final go after reading Company Magazines January 2013 issue on how to be a successful blogger. When they say successful I can only imagine they mean you'll have at least one viewer a month by some shady erotic literature reviewing company centred around middle aged women. So I've decided to follow their step-by-step guide in basically, how not to create a shit blog. 

(21:34pm) I now have a large glass of red wine, an empty Terry's Chocolate Orange box and half the wrappers content around my chops. I believe I'm ready to take the world by storm. 

Step 1 - Don't have a shit URL. Mines not the best but I think we can all appreciate the fact it's not 'PR1NCE55101' 

Step 2 - Background is key.  There's such a stress on picking a colour or a background that shows how indie you can possibly be at first glance so I've decided to fore-go all of that and stuck with white. It's simple, elegant and quite frankly shows I've been the laziest mare in Wales.

Step 3 - No ugly fonts. That speaks for itself really. Heaven forbid someone uses font type 'Georgia' instead of the ever popular 'Comic Sans'.

Step 4 - Always make sense and spell correctly. Well, I can guarantee I might be able to do one of those things providing I remember to hit the spell check button at the end. 

So there you have it, 4 easy steps to being the next big blogging sensation. I guess not everyone is a Carrie Bradshaw with her fantastically scripted monologue and overly priced to-die-for shoes, I guess it's a good job I always preferred Samantha then. (21:49pm)

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